
To fully experience the game, we recommend playing in full-screen mode, which will allow you to see the whole game view, including all the text.

Takes about 10 to 60 minutes to complete the whole game.


Slight Alterations is a challenging platformer game. Each beginning offers a modified version of the previous beginning and a new ability to help you progress.

Navigate through each modified beginning and reach the end by jumping over gaps, dodging obstacles, and using your special abilities to overcome challenges.

As you progress through each beginning, you'll gain new abilities such as speed, double jump, and more, but you'll also lose your previous ability at every beginning. Pay attention to the changes at each beginning and use your skills wisely to reach the end.


  • Movement: Use the WASD or arrow keys to move left and right.
  • Jump: Press W, spacebar, or the up arrow key to jump.
  • Run: Hold down the CTRL/⌘ key to move faster.
  • Slide: Press Shift, S, or the down arrow key to slide.
  • Reset: Press the R key to reset.
  • Controller: You can also use a controller to play, but using a keyboard is recommended for better precision and control.


Most of the game concept is provided by imkjet and Johnse.

Background music by SergeQuadrado.


This is a game created with Godot 3.5.1 and features unique text crafted by ChatGPT. It was developed specifically for the Brackeys Game Jam 2023.1 with the theme "An end is a new beginning"

This was my first time participating in a game jam and working with a new game engine.

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